Contrary to popular belief, brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing daily is not optional—it’s essential for maintaining good oral health. Unfortunately, most people would rather save those two extra minutes it takes to floss and skip the step altogether. Are you guilty of this?
Don’t worry, you’re not alone—more than half of Americans don’t floss regularly. It may seem harmless, but it’s just as crucial as brushing. Read on to learn why flossing is important and how it can benefit your health.
Removes Excess Plaque
Did you know that bacteria-filled plaque solidifies and turns into tartar? That’s why it’s important to floss shortly after eating because it helps remove all the sticky, harsh film from your mouth and prevents it from hardening. If you skip a few days, the tartar will get firmly stuck on your teeth and require a professional cleaning to remove. You can miss plaque by not flossing in all the crevices of your teeth. Minimizing buildup is crucial because it protects your mouth from dental problems like swollen gums, tooth decay, cavities, and gum disease.
Prevents Cavities
Flossing helps eliminate bacterial buildup in the crevices between your teeth. By getting in those hard-to-reach areas, you’re preventing cavities from developing in the middle of two teeth. Cleaning out all the unwanted bacteria is the key to preventing discomfort and dental damage, saving you lots of time and money long-term.
Your Gums Will Stop Bleeding
It may seem counterintuitive to encourage flossing if that’s what’s causing your gums to bleed, but truth is, it will reduce the occurrence of blood. If your gums bleed easily, they’re likely inflamed, which is an indicator that you’re not flossing enough. Routinely flossing helps remove bacteria from the gum line, so your body will send fewer red blood cells to the area to fight them off. Not convinced? Try it for yourself! After flossing for a week or so, the bleeding should stop, and inflammation will go down. Make sure to continue flossing daily to keep the blood away.
Your Body Will Thank You
Health conditions like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and even respiratory disease have all been linked to gum issues. How? Well, it’s because oral health has a direct impact on your body’s overall health. By keeping your gums healthy, you’re minimizing your risk of these serious conditions. Not only is flossing essential to oral health, but it greatly benefits your body’s overall health as well. By keeping harmful bacteria under control in your mouth, you’re preventing it from entering the rest of your body, ensuring you’re kept healthy and safe.
Using those few extra minutes to take special care of your teeth and gums will ensure they’re kept happy. Incorporate flossing into your daily oral hygiene routine and you’ll reap the benefits for a lifetime!
About the Practice
At St. Albans Dental, we’re committed to giving unparalleled, high-quality, world-class dental care to each patient. We personalize each appointment to meet your needs so you can leave our office with a happy, healthy smile on your face every single time. We believe our preventive services combined with your diligent oral hygiene routine can help you enjoy a problem-free smile for as long as possible. For more information about oral care, visit our website or call us at (802) 524-4844.