Tax Day is right around the corner and receiving a tax refund usually puts a grin on someone’s face. After all, it generally means some extra cash that isn’t devoted to the usual expenditures. There are all sorts of things you could spend it on, but many people tend to blow it on items they don’t really need. One option you could definitely benefit from is investing in your oral health. Continue reading to learn from your dentist in St. Albans a few reasons why you should put your tax refund into your smile!
Set Yourself Up for Long-Term Savings
Many oral health problems only get worse with time when left untreated. Having a filling now could save you from needing a root canal or extraction in the future. By warding off gingivitis early on, you can prevent irreversible issues associated with gum disease like gum recession, loose teeth, tooth loss, and jawbone deterioration. This means saving yourself time, discomfort, oral health risks, and money.
Enhance Your Appearance
A dentist’s number-one priority is making sure your mouth is in good health, but they also want you to be confident when showing off your smile. When you feel great about the appearance of your teeth, you can be more successful in other aspects of your life.
Whether you are getting back out in the dating scene, searching for a new job, or trying to expand your social circle, you’ll have better luck if you are feeling confident. Even if your oral health is excellent, you still have cause to invest in your smile for cosmetic reasons. Self-confidence can take you far in life!
Sidestep Medical Problems in the Future
When thinking about oral hygiene, you are generally focused on the health of your teeth and gums. What you may not know is just how much your oral health and overall health have in common. They are directly related to each other in several ways.
Poor dental health is associated with numerous serious issues including oral cancer, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, dementia, and early labor for pregnant women. By addressing oral health issues, you are also protecting the rest of your body.
It’s not every day you get an extra check in the mail, so why not invest in something that you will truly benefit from? By putting your tax refund into your oral health, your wallet, smile, and the rest of your body will reap the benefits!
About the Practice
At St. Albans Dental, you can always expect customized care in a comfortable atmosphere. Our dentists are experienced with advanced training and ready to help you with any oral health need. Our patients are the top priority, after all. If you are considering using your tax refund on your oral health, we can offer some suggestions for your particular smile during a consultation which you can schedule on our website or by calling (802) 524-4844.