Is a toothache causing you to toss and turn at night? While you’ll need to call your emergency dentist for prompt diagnosis and treatment, there are steps you can take at home to relieve your pain in the meantime. Keep reading for some solutions that might be able to help you catch some z’s before morning!
Elevate Your Head
Normally this trick is used to relieve sinus pressure and congestion when you’re sick. It works for teeth too, though! Try propping your pillow up with one or two extra ones or a folded blanket. If you have an especially comfortable recliner, that may be a better place to sleep tonight.
Apply Clove Oil
If you have a pack of essential oils or cook with some uncommon ingredients, this method could help soothe your toothache. Dap the oil onto a cotton ball or soft cloth and apply it to your tooth and the surrounding gumline. Clove has natural numbing properties, so hopefully this simple solution brings you some relief.
Do A Saltwater Rinse
If you don’t happen to have clove oil lying around, a better idea might be to rinse your mouth with salty water. Salt can combat bacteria, help prevent infection, and cleanse wounds. It can slow the progress of whatever funny business is causing your toothache and could alleviate your symptoms in the process.
Take Pain Medication
It might not be the most creative way to relieve your toothache, but over-the-counter pain medication is often effective for this type of pain. If you have the option, take ibuprofen – a.k.a. Advil and Motrin. This pharmaceutical tends to be more effective at reducing inflammation, which can be especially helpful if you have bacteria build up or an infection.
Make a Cold Compress
Now, even if you don’t have access to ibuprofen or would prefer to use the pain relivers you already have, that’s fine! Making a cold compress to hold up to your toothache can numb the area and reduce swelling. Simply grab ice cubes, an ice pack, or even a chilled drink, wrap it up in a towel, and press it to the affected area.
Remember that while these solutions may help you find short-term toothache relief, you really should contact your emergency dentist as soon as possible! Toothaches can indicate that you have a serious oral condition, like tooth decay or gum disease, that requires prompt treatment. Your dentist can provide an accurate diagnosis, and after the source of your toothache is taken care of, you’ll be able to sleep more soundly.
About the Practice
At St. Alban’s Dental, we’re proud to have three experienced dentists on staff so we can provide patients with comprehensive care. Rest assured that we’ll get to the bottom of your toothache and treat you promptly, no matter what the underlying issue is. To contact our office, call 802-524-4844.