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When An Adult Tooth Becomes Loose

September 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — stalbans @ 8:31 pm
Young woman holding her jaw in concern because her tooth feels loose

When an adult tooth feels loose, do you: a) panic b) cry c) try to pinch yourself awake, or d) all three, not necessarily in that order. Discovering that a tooth that should be rock solid is more on the wiggly side can be alarming, so maybe some panicking is warranted! Still, you’d probably rather avoid the twist in your stomach that comes with uncertainty. Keep reading to learn what you should do.

Lead a Careful Investigation

It’s important to assess the situation, because ultimately, you’ll have to describe what’s happening to your emergency dentist. Do you have red or swollen gums? Does your tooth appear to be damaged? Note anything that seems strange, and if something like an injury or hard cookie might have knocked it loose, don’t forget to mention that to your dentist!

Leave Your Wiggly Tooth Alone

Now’s a good time to give you a crucial piece of advice: don’t touch your loose tooth! It might be tempting, because the sensation can be quite strange, but remember that you’re not a curious child waiting for a baby tooth to fall out. Disturbing an adult wobbler could make the problem worse. Be careful when you eat, and be super careful when you brush.

Contact Your Emergency Dentist

Call your emergency dentist and explain the situation, including anything you noticed from your investigation. They might determine that your loose tooth is an urgent problem that requires a same-day appointment, or it could be safe to schedule your visit in the near-future. Either way, your dentist will help you make arrangements and guide you through any necessary first aid.

The Day of Your Appointment

When you arrive at your dentist’s office for your appointment, they’ll see you as soon as possible, and promptly examine your mouth. Depending on their diagnosis, your tooth might need to be splinted with composite resin, deep cleaned to remove an infection, or treated with a more involved procedure. Whatever the case may be, your dentist will keep you well informed and let you know what should happen next.

The sooner you address your loose adult tooth, the better your odds are of saving it. Since quick action is key, if you can’t remember any other step in the moment, simply call your emergency dentist right away. They understand how alarming a wiggly tooth can be and will be able to help you get sorted. You’ll be in good hands with their care!

About the Practice

At St. Albans Dental, we can arrange same-day appointments for patients with urgent dental needs, like a loose adult tooth. Each of our three dentists is highly experienced. With their combined skills, we can provide comprehensive services for your emergency needs, saving you time and stress. To contact our office, call 802-524-4844.

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