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St. Albans Dental Blog

Invisalign vs. Braces – Which Treatment is Best for You?

May 5, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — stalbans @ 2:41 pm
girl holding up Invisalign and braces

Do you have misaligned teeth? You may be considering orthodontic treatment to help you achieve a straighter smile. After looking into the treatment plans, your last step is making a challenging decision—Invisalign or braces?

While they’re both effective methods of straightening your teeth, they have distinct differences and unique benefits. Read on for a more detailed breakdown of Invisalign vs. braces so you can go into your consultation armed and ready to discuss the treatment that’s best for you.


How to Fix a Gap Between Your Two Front Teeth

April 13, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — stalbans @ 2:29 pm
smiling woman with a gap between her front teeth

When you look in the mirror, are your eyes drawn to the gap between your two front teeth? Your dentist would call this a diastema, and it’s more common than you might think. The good news is that it shouldn’t threaten the health of your smile. However, you might still want to get it fixed so that you can feel more confident showing off your pearly whites. Read on to learn why a gap between front teeth might develop – and what your dentist in St. Albans can do about it.


What Happens While You Sleep?

March 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — stalbans @ 2:00 pm
a woman lying on her side while in bed and asleep

Do you suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)? If so, you understand the frustration that comes with interrupted sleep and waking feeling fatigued, irritated, and maybe even battling a headache. The inability to get a full night’s rest and experience the various stages of sleep can take its toll on your physical, mental, and emotional health and wellbeing. Learn more about the importance of completing a full sleep cycle and when it’s necessary to seek professional treatment.


How to Avoid a Dental Implant Failure

February 17, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — stalbans @ 7:23 pm
Dental implant

One of the many great things about living in today’s world is that missing teeth can be a thing of the past. There are a variety of different options when it comes to replacing your missing teeth. One method that is preferred by dentists and patients alike is dental implants because of their numerous benefits. However, if you aren’t careful when you get your dental implants in St. Albans, you could end up with an implant failure. Continue reading to learn how this can be avoided.


Why Do I Need a Root Canal If My Tooth Doesn’t Hurt?

January 25, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — stalbans @ 8:08 pm
confused woman looking up into the corner

During your routine checkup, your dentist told you that one of your teeth needs a root canal. Wait a minute, doesn’t your tooth have to be in serious pain to need a root canal? The fact of the matter is that a persistent toothache is just one of the many signs that root canal therapy might be necessary, but not everyone experiences this symptom. Below, an emergency dentist in St. Albans explains why you might need a root canal if your tooth doesn’t hurt.


3 of the Most Common Oral Health Problems (and How to Prevent Them)

December 15, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — stalbans @ 2:05 pm
elderly couple brushing their teeth to prevent oral health problems

The vast majority of us have experienced dental health issues before. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 90% of American adults have had at least one cavity before. While that statistic might give you the impression that cavities are inevitable, that’s not necessarily true. Many of the most common oral health problems are actually avoidable. Below, a dentist in St. Albans shares what these issues are and how you can prevent them from happening to you.  


4 Key Duties of a Dental Hygienist

November 2, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — stalbans @ 11:30 am
Dental hygienist smiling into the camera as the dentist works on a patient’s teeth

They clean your teeth, take your X-rays and provide guidance on proper oral hygiene, but what else does a dental hygienist do? You know their position is essential to keeping your dentist in St. Albans sane, but their role in the dental office is much more important than you may know. Keep reading to find out what your dental hygienist does to help preserve your smile.


How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

October 13, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — stalbans @ 2:38 am
Smiling man with dental implants in St. Albans

Thanks to modern dental techniques and technology, there are a variety of ways you can replace missing teeth. Unfortunately, traditional options like dentures and dental bridges wear down and need to be replaced after a few years of use. However, dental implants in St. Albans have the potential to last a lifetime with the proper care! Here’s everything you need to know if you’re considering permanently replacing your missing teeth with dental implants.


I Broke My Dentures! Is This a Dental Emergency?

September 17, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — stalbans @ 1:57 am
Broken denture

Dentures aren’t your natural teeth, but you do rely on them every day. You use them to eat, speak, and function as normal. When you have a broken denture, it can be difficult to go about your life as you normally would. One of the most serious issues that you can encounter with a broken denture is a prosthesis fracture. This can have many different causes and is absolutely a valid reason to see your emergency dentist in St. Albans. Continue reading to learn more about what can contribute to broken dentures and possible solutions.


Is Binge-Watching Bad for Your Teeth?

August 17, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — stalbans @ 8:59 pm
couple sitting on couch and eating popcorn

These days, more and more of us are consuming our favorite TV shows in one sitting. You may as well not even use the Internet until you finish the season, lest you get a major plot twist spoiled for you. After a long binge-watch, you probably think to yourself about how all of that sitting isn’t good for you. But did you know that binge-watching can also negatively impact your oral health? According to a dentist in St. Albans, constantly snacking can seriously damage your teeth. Here are how some of the most common binge-watching foods and drinks affect your mouth.

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