For a tooth that is severely broken or decayed, a filling may not be enough to bring back its original structure and function. In this case, a dental crown may be more ideal. This common restorative treatment is personalized to fit your unique smile, repairing your tooth and preserving your oral health. To learn more about how dental crowns in St. Albans can benefit your smile, we invite you to call our team at St. Albans Dental today!
A dental crown is a thin, tooth-shaped cap that is designed to cover the entirety of a tooth above the gumline. Once one of our dentists has bonded the crown to your tooth, only a dental professional can remove it. While dental crowns can be made from a variety of materials, including metal alloys, we tend to use tooth-colored ceramic materials for a seamless yet durable appearance.
Depending on your unique oral health situation, your dentist in St. Albans may recommend a dental crown in order to:
Creating, designing, and placing your dental crown generally takes to visit to our office. The first appointment involves cleaning and reshaping the affected tooth so that it can accommodate the crown. Then, we take impressions of your mouth and place a temporary crown atop the tooth. Between appointments, the crown is crafted to our exact specifications in a separate lab.
When the final crown is ready, which usually takes a couple of weeks, you’ll return to our office to have it placed. After we remove the temporary, we’ll make any last-minute adjustments to your permanent crown as needed. Once you’re happy with the results, we’ll apply a bonding agent to your tooth and cement the crown on top of it.
With the right care and maintenance, your crown can easily last for 10-20 years. To maximize your crown’s lifespan, make sure to brush and floss every day. Pay special attention to the area at the crown’s base to prevent the buildup of plaque and tartar that could cause tooth decay and gum disease. Also, try not to chew anything particularly hard or sticky with that tooth, since it could damage or loosen the crown. Lastly, visit us for routine checkups and cleanings, and don’t hesitate to call us if you notice a problem with your crown.