If you have lost several or even all of your teeth, you’re already familiar with the diminished confidence, unclear speech, and limited diet that occurs as a result. Maybe you’ve tried wearing a denture, but it didn’t quite solve any of these problems. That’s because traditional dentures only bring back the visible portions of missing teeth. Implant dentures, on the other hand, also restore the root structure hidden beneath the gums. Because of this, implant dentures in St. Albans are a tooth replacement that looks and feels 100% natural. Not only that, but they’re designed to last for decades (maybe even a lifetime!) and won’t slip around like conventional prosthetics. Contact St. Albans Dental today to get started on the journey to rebuilding your smile!
A full or partial denture can be secured onto a small number of dental implants that are strategically inserted throughout the jaw. Once in place, an implant denture should look, feel, and function just like real teeth. Depending on your individual preferences and oral health, we’ll recommend one of the two types of implant dentures:
A fixed implant denture can only be removed by one of our dentists and typically requires an average of four to six implant posts per jaw. Because it remains in your mouth most of the time, you can brush and floss this type of implant denture just like you would natural teeth.
Maybe you’re used to taking your denture out for cleaning and you don’t want to change your routine. In that case, your implant dentist in St. Albans might suggest a removable implant denture. Also known aa an overdenture, it usually requires only two to five implants for support.
The implant denture process takes longer than that of traditional dentures, but considering their longer lifespan, this solution is worth the wait! Some of the steps in the process are:
Thanks to the versatility of dental implants in St. Albans, most patients are eligible for implant dentures. The ideal candidate possesses these attributes:
While the implant denture process is lengthy, they offer multiple advantages over other tooth replacements, including: